History Of The Bible

For todays post I want to bring it back to the Bible in fact the Bible is the most important book in the whole world it is very important that you read your Bible everyday if you don't you are missing out on a lot of great things. For example the day God created the earth and all living things in it. Just think it only took Him 7 days to finish it. Pretty amazing right! The Bible has wonderful history in it. Now I am going to talk a little bit about the history of the Bible. Here are some facts you may or may not know. 1: The Writing Of The Bible. The Bible was written over a 1600 year period of time by approximately 1500 BC to AD 100. 2: The Divisions Of The Bible. The Bible is one book that contains 66 smaller books. The books of the old Testament and the books of the  new Testament. The books of the old Testament were written before the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not end up coming till later on in the Bible. 3: Chapters And Verses. Each of the books except five books are divided into chapters and verses. The five that aren't are Obadiah Philemon John book 2 John book 3 and Jude. Those are the shortest book which only have verses and divisions. 4: The Longest and Shortest Chapters of the Bible. The longest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 119 with 176 verses. The shortest chapter is Psalm 117 with only 2 verses  Incidentally the middle chapter of the Bible is also Psalm 117. 5:  The Business Of The Bible. Did you know that there are more then 168,000 Bibles sold or either given away per day in the United States. Historically it has been found that the Bible is the most sold book of all time. It is regularly on various best seller list. The Bible has been translated into more then 1'200 languages. 6: The Writers Of The Bible. While there were at least 40 different people who wrote parts of the Bible. Some were more prolific then others. The Apostle Paul has wrote at least 13 books of the Bible. He may have also been the author of the book Hebrews. Moses also wrote books in the Bible and do you know what they are? They are the first 5 books of the Bible. I really hope you enjoyed this amazing history of the Bible.  I will be putting out anther blog post shortly so feel free to take a look. (Information obtained from the Bible and Wikipedia)


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