
Showing posts from December, 2021

"I Speak Jesus." (FWC Singers)

Start proclaiming and speaking Jesus over your families!  Start speaking Jesus over darkness,  Jesus over fear,  Jesus over chaos, and craziness, Jesus in the streets, just proclaim His Name!  Start speaking the Name of Jesus! When you feel down, speak Jesus! When you feel sick, speak Jesus! when you are afraid, speak Jesus! When you are going through something that looks like a mountain so deep and dark, speak Jesus! Proclaim it over your bodies! Our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We are called to do His work, and His will for our lives.  Speak Jesus right now! Just lift up your hands and praise His Holy Name. For He alone is worthy of our praise! There is no other name on this earth, whereby; we must be saved! Lift up your hands and praise His Holy Name.